Sunday, February 24, 2008

Running of the Reindeer

For 2-3 weeks before the Iditarod start, Anchorage hosts it's winter carnival, Fur Rondy. The carnival was not doing very well, so a local radio station came up with the idea to have the "running of the reindeer" - similar to the running of the bulls in Spain.
1,000 runners ran down 4th avenue dressed in various costumes, as a dozen or so reindeer "chased" them. It was hysterical. Reindeer are very domesticated animals, so most people thought the reindeer would just stand there. Oh, no - they ran.
So, the wacky Alaskans have come up with a new event - you'll have to check out the videos. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snowshoeing at Girdwood

We've had tons of snow, so Brandi and I decided to go snowshoeing at Girdwood. As you can see from the picture, it was a beautiful day. The temperatures were pretty mild, and we worked up a sweat hiking through the snow. We should have packed a picnic lunch! Getting out and doing things in the winter is how you survive Alaska winters. They are long, dark and cold. People who hate Alaska don't get out there. I love exploring around - because you realize how amazing this place is.
Brandi and I saw lots of moose on our hike. You don't want to get too close to them, or spook them - so we kept our distance, and changed course. After a few hours of hiking, we decided to call it a day and grab some pizza at a local restaurant.